Cuba Photo Workshop What to expect

What to Expect

Cuba is not just unique, but one of the most rewarding photographic and cultural experiences you will ever encounter. 

Because Havana is so different it requires an open-minded and rewarding sense of adventure. As is often said in Cuba, “It’s not what you want, it’s what we have”.
Like no internet directly at the hotel.

Prepare yourself to walk lots, to be completely wowed, photograph everywhere and have great fun!

The Cuban pace is slow and very few people speak English. You will find that poverty is abundant, goods are extremely limited, and services are sporadic. Life in Cuba can be unpredictable and unexpected circumstances will arise.

Last-minute changes to the itinerary and of the accommodation may be unavoidable and are to be expected.

Patience and flexibility are necessary to enjoy your Cuban experience while strolling between the sea, magnificent renovated historical buildings and decaying houses.